for Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino
Lauren Marie Cappello
to drink, the constant
of language, or,
stoic straightness, to swallow,
the diaphanous concept
of a chair.
how, there, his lavender hands
construct woman from words?
of swallowing, of back & forth
things, see-saw dichotomy of the atlantic,
& traffic, a chair, a construct, where
the weight of his glasses, momentarily
upheld by the bridge of her own nose
knows the conundrum of
kindling, the cost of counting, of
one wrong decimal, and ellipsis,
the multiplication of zeros. is sorrow. o
is now nowhere, & nowhere is near no other.
o stratums, i’m straddled upon
hour hands,
wrinkling the comic cosmic cloth,
the cotton bed-sheet, dreams
of a word-loving deity
fill me, uses inside sounds.
& never thinks of other
uses for parentheses,
watches you from a distance
as you were cloudless.
Lauren Marie Cappello is a poet, writer, and musician. Her work has appeared in The Solitary Plover, Shadows of the Future: An Otherstream Anthology and in E·ratio 20, among others.