Issue 14 • 2011



The Hopeless Pursuit
of Perpetual Motion


Perpetual motion may induce those who still believe in reaching this ignis fatuus. 



by J. Crouse





Having at to at to on of on to and a which is to the.  Or a for.  Greater of are and of.  Are is of a center of.  Which of.  Each a point is on or in.  Dug in of in of above is.  Any of a hub of is of.  Each an are an is an open.  Good of in is at is at is owing of obtained in.  Somewhat of is easy reach on in of is within is.  Socket in inserted or accommodate a section.  Quick a can uncouple in.  Arms a and of at a pump a distance is sufficient.  Guided in no sag is.  Bag along a floor is.  Chain in an outrigger of.  Method and its sand and other.  Rope is and is of a side view.  Hub is up a hung of is as in on in and at of.  Pins.  Geared on in are ordinary.  Cone a roller on a and is.  Double of a means of.  Axles on a buffer ends a each end in a lip on.  Mounted on an of a chuck.  Loose is as is as is.  Clutch up of a jerk a useful.  Under on as and.  Hub a lug of is of.  Tested in a means of at of ascertained another.  Push of into contact in.  Piston as a cock a cord of is an arm extends.  Backing are provided in.  Piston in a loose and are is of an either or.  Indistinct articulation interposed of varnish is.  Rubber tied on to a nodal to prevent undue vibration.  Diaphragm an annular a diaphragm a skin.  Curved an ear tube ear attached.  Vane above of in another.  Wind an index in a wind.  Hollow on a face in insulated is completed.  Series of a series of.  Drum on dotted in direction.  Copper end is of an endless number of an or.  Stem an inch internal inches ink another ink.  Glass an air a knife a.  Should a sector is attached.  Chamber by a lever to a damper on a wick.  Brass a brass are bar abutments.  Rods of on adjusting on a looseness of a nut.  End an end of is an of is of an over is.  Outer in an opposite of apparatus is.  Hair of and in of a hair of are employed at are by.  Hollow of allowed on obtained a coefficient in.  Null upon in of is of in.  Eye of eye is eye of eye in index of an eye in.  Fast an end of equal.  Leaf of in deflection of a double end of leaves.  Power of an arm in.  Flat at end of arm of.  Rounds of arm of arm of in.  Arm of in.  Pull of flexibility.  Pull of flexibility.  Nearly.  Nearly.  Nearly.  Bolster spring a double of.  Value of each added or.  Corrugated of a volume of a liberal steam.  Heat along entire surface.  Down a tube between a blow off uptake overheating.  Gases of efficiency.  Heat a heat is of.  Wood a flow of in of.  Interlocked is generating generating surface.  Finger of into a tube.  Tube an into of.  Fed of at in at of.  Plan and.  Each in each in air above.  Ran in and a rays of.  Glass around an irrigation.  Boiler in on of a cut.  Width of or bituminous.  Feed is of is of a gas of.  Fed a fed a furnace and.  Recess is a coal on.  Furnace in obtaining.  Annular an air in of.  Air is air is air around.  Ash an operation.  Hopper.  Tube a to by in two into.  Burner burner burner burner.  Air are air are and an.  Vaporizing into burner.  Burner are in.  Air a stay in.  Orifice of into.  Annulus an annulus.  Also of a cup.  Vaporizes in a so on.  Iron cast an overflow.  Float a cup of equal of.  Gland or.  Copper in an inlet.  Float of is a float.  Float of is a float of.  Valve is of a.  Float is of a valve a. Blessing of a boiler to a boiler by a boiler by. Boiler is about a boiler by a boiler of. Entrained. Low alarm an are.  Cock a cock a.  Pipe into into a so on to a baffle on.  Heads an end an annular.  Filled in an against of is of vaporized an air of.  Salt is of as is a salt of.  Single are a stuffing is. Dead center.  Twin of in. Two figures.  Forward is a stuffing box. Cylinders are separated.  Object in on two above of in an in exhaust in.  Valve a valve a rawhide on an on an on an engine. Bottom of in of an inward as in of a cut.  Triple type in area.  Type of an inertia in a gravity to grab.





Works by J. Crouse have appeared in The Columbia Review and in E·ratio Issue 10