
Issue 22






Lital Khaikin





before the word that is given by knowing

there is an old leaving

dated by the thousand ways

of a hand that clasps a fistful of blindness


to recall:              Rephaim guarding


a seeing / in other sight came with a new skin

meat in unmaking

a body that forgot what a flesh is meant to be


the weight of matter

in hands of men that were taught to

break bone into bed [for]getting

to bring a mind back wordless

dripping from under a tongue in rapture


resonance of evening


certainty in air thickens element

as though

flesh may convince itself of world

that is

as though

the weight of men

would contain the madness


the temptation of Prokofiev and the fall


the world broke when men burned moons

into wrists that screamed against surface


recurrence inherits at the opening of things

the measure of memory

is remade into the shape of its fragments

diminishing in the gesture of Yoneda lemma


[in] judgement of sleeping language

that is to be found in rotting fruit

written under tendering surface



the world will still—


in second return, Maitreya fallen to the ground

to reconstruct the infinite.










Lital Khaikin is a writer, editor and curator.  She is a contributing editor and writer for continent. journal.  She has poetry published in Berfrois, continent., .PLINTH., gobbet and Deluge.  She is currently working on her first book, Outplace, and researching into the potentialities of encounter between Butoh and architecture.   


