



Watching the Bridge


Andrew Leggett





A smudge on the line

between bridge and sky,

another semi-trailer thunders.


Light breaks the storm.

Each end of the bridge

is the start of a rainbow.


No one looks at the hill

where the dead lie,

in the midfield of vision.


Swaying eucalypts whisper

names razed from stones

in the garden of immanence.


Lorikeets fight a single finch

over nectar in the stellate flowers

of the umbrella.


This humid afternoon

sheds its musty kimono.

I stand and shiver


in my black speedos,

inspecting bonsai

in a tub of pebbles.


It has rained

on the crush of lilies

sprayed with citronella.


A puddle dries,

exposing fossil ferns.

Evolution slows during peak hour.


In a storm,

when I am gone,

another semi-trailer thunders.


No shag on the hunt,

nor squid’s eye in the bay,

could capture this on film.









Andrew Leggett is an Australian writer of poetry, fiction and interdisciplinary academic papers.  He holds a research Masters degree in creative writing from the University of Queensland and a PhD in creative writing from Griffith University.  His poetry collections Old Time Religion and other Poems (1998) and Dark Husk of Beauty (2006) were published by Interactive Press.  He was the editor of Australasian Journal of Psychotherapy from 2006-2011.  He is the prose editor of


