from Passive
Adam Greenberg
he was but saw two novel actions
did not describe the viewing sequ
ence, eyes on the street adequate
windows balconies and so on all
owing them to monitor repetition
mapping natural processes summ
sense of space in continual need
of quasi-natural force from anot
her politely letting them the sen
se of events this body of work t
o study subsoil bedrock of local is
sue who shall repair to its own land
the woody recruitment of forest cara
bid beetles receiving her [sc. nature’
s] influences, often all that is require
d for a very early stage of external a
gency, dead wood from the core, sha
llow evaporates seeking soil, red and
as rain can cause pools to fill up a
nd then overflow spaceborne sens
ors, behaves as a spectator a parsi
monious adaptation to disperse a
mong pools: my daily routine to s
upport my children’s interests: am
lation of audience distanced cloud
robust appreciation escapist partit i
oned from canopy reflectance soci
al preferences a break using invert
ebrates or samples, free prizes im
mediate versus future cost thicker
days sampling nets: turtle by catch
freshwater circulation towards pub
lic form encourage a space of hip u
pon eye- an area tracking Voice no
de solid-void on-street trap or beak
leaf and explore green scaffolding
Poetry by Adam Greenberg has recently appeared or is forthcoming from Best American Experimental, The Brooklyn Rail, Tagvverk, Columbia Poetry Review and Witness. His translations of the work of Mexican poet Carla Faesler have appeared in Chicago Review, Asymptote, Erizo and Anomaly. He recently graduated from Brown University with an MFA in poetry and now live in Washington, DC where he teaches writing.