two twenties
Steve Potter
Jaded Diaphragm Alliance Flip Man
Diaphragm embrace contingent clan
fuzzy dust sharp tack iteration step
San Francyst ouch Gold unGrated Dirge
airport barrister banister bump
Man messages spider picture
burden tummy egalitarian
backslide burner distant relation
sauce production temerity siphon
Alliance generator smile malfunction
perpendiculous parallelogrammar
subtle foreign coping mechanism
genealogy meander split shot
Flip drive stun grunt pizza stone gravel quarry
shoemaker’s awl soles day of labor
busybox container involvement
political potty contribute
Jaded ibis ruby redbreast orange flicker
bird-brain encephalitis
astrophysicyst sterile lance ooze
galactic slime mold jello shape
Double-Stick Curmudgeon Suit Knick-Knack Mind
Curmudgeon gerrymander ice cream float
boathouse helicopter launch pad ghost
Spongebob for applesauce puddle of glue
fried ephemeral spark wolf nugget
Suit jacket buttered magneto magnate
multitude periphery Sweet Jane
diaphanous bunny harem teen dream
sultry burlesque kitten slurry
Double-stick tape recorder smudge incident
concerto operation blood transfusion
superhero comic stand-up guy
goodfella bad apple orange Julius
Mind applause curtain up down
A Chorus Line a choir dash period
supple variations of cheese mongering
fashion sensibility smock
Knick-knack paddywhack give the dog a bong
Shakedown Street Hassle Grateful Reed
the long and winding Toad the Wet Sprocket
“she sells sanctuary” sang the Cult
Steve Potter is the author of the comic-noir collection Easy Money & Other Stories. His writing has appeared in journals such as Blazevox, Golden Handcuffs Review, Marginalia, Pacific Rim Review of Books, Otoliths and is forthcoming in Word For/Word. He writes about books and literature at and is an admirer of the late Jackson Mac Low, whose collection Twenties inspired these poems.