poetic language issue three spring 2004
Catherine H. |
Petra Backonja
I Filled My Pockets with Gingerbread and Apples
to beneath starlight polarized, and an excellent sermon on the space between concentric spheres. Is not this to connect a thought with its antipodes? I supposed him to be the Pole Star sermonizing on humility. Are we not good fellow creatures? I was not so devout as he assumed. That mine is a tragical view of the Universe he set out on purpose to teach me. Understood. In any case, the result was gallant. In the light of his mazes and muttering, but for my hum-strum wickedness I should think excellently well on my own. My present life is, well . . . light does fall but it falls very little on me. This Sunday morning originated in Sun, in law and caprice that extend into space near a further star—what intercepts the light then, and preserves a mediocrity? How could such estimation though it is chimerical, bear to sit even one moment alone? The odd nebula jolts the revised machine, renders the hurdy-gurdy religious. Yes, renders even it, refuse of celestial mechanics.
Carrie Hunter
The Rower
The insides of walls contain such secrets. What
is hidden that wants to come One day I simply realized that I existed. Oars
coming out of the core olive
oil and judah juice—I don't complain,
Cortney L. Bledsoe
The Pig's Soliloquy
is what we're letting them take from us, and the ability to spell our names. |
Steven J. Stewart
My Eternal Soul
carries the box when
even the ice disappears little
boy, little box dew-dropped
sunflowers licked
on popsicle sticks I
want to set fire
Donna Kuhn
going round
of moon, wave by moving we're
adults now, its a job unfamiliar
birds are soaring over foothills i
dreamt u were a car what
is laundry, body vegetables u
dream in the fog to dream in the fog make
sounds in the mirror paint
inside the circle like this u
cant deny 1995
Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
)( whip
s topic
(-+nd : +-nin( fo] rea ding in te[n== aff+))t [ fatal =[+fac e escap =n= gr: p-ing + ace- st a[le pi :f(lls e:+)p)e ) di):o +e: : - u::e=ed s:r(o# nd fini tel] as ki:+ no m,nate sta=f f -rmer l acks c# (#ers a pparent pal :a p#i- +m p=rics a+ chip : )=)=c ke, ann u+ty un want:d zenith de)ini: e rati= nal =-a f+s a-[ ifact w it( (ri (=+[ +# r:a+m w ra(+ing +a:e=t = h+ppe ns hosp )=al dr ip pr:, e ]en+s pu[ +: fty pai nted as ma=a)e r: leaf fam-)y :]ctor c(r+-a ) ]ish# ps pal+ :tes or o(+(l, p +s ++ i)ion d ri:- s: an:-ng ma)u)ls o( jun c(io) u ni(ue i -v:st+[ for o+ igi]al of :(fi :ity )r )a=l=n +l(yba ck d(-] [+te a, +lie) o - [,u)i ng a-pr ai=e pi -tur:d elli,s: = ,)-n+ s aven) e :nder wa( -=r vani]+ waxi(g ]n[g s afer fo r +ame# spa:ed & =o:a ]e- -(: piest b :+ass+d in app rai+- p itf#+=- mu,ti- ly file )pec t: n)r+, b lund=r m:anin( wo+kin := ma[- ged :ff ecte- - a#,=d h e)d+c(e +(th + yp+-al +a=k:ns p=-s-n g ,ema[ s topic of whi p := s[ eake, n :l: ,:[ o m=nif +st )(a c[i:: n ap fo- g)+ff(t + :al)i f) i= b +=kups di=+a+- escapa de p)ck e) wra( : :s-ap -)g sn+ pper pi ng tenu red s:r un, =un )i#g =a +dlin+ teen=)e a](+ic t- #a++ e+ ]an= ac( ]us +cals o = appro )ch pa) i))t )a [-ort p i:fall strip i mpa[r[d o- num e:+u] s ,nn#-r nickel- mel+i: g ]a:io +(- a:f a:r fac (ory r+ ach#: c +(v][= ap:a))n ] p:ve a(p)au= e =)=#p )ng :i, p+d ope n=d u)= s)al )o ung u)i t, twin s ina+t =:[ aff a=] f-r +ans - ] :istr act ca: +ot =ap tains ( pre(ar e+ ,ppl +ing s) ee:ing =]ippl( : ho+s )inus y oung s: inin+ b ==gg)n+ [o):na m: )-a( fa+nte , u#+a[ ked of camera ::pkin )ackag( papers -:ep(= g & :ki ppi-g d isp++y- peanut
ptic -o
c)un:s ni:h: w aving s :a-+ af fl-ct o r +act im-ac= =apit-- +wap-= d & c+m pa]y t: p )t=pp ing =li p=er c= #p-+s t (nu+#d pruning [f nic kel :q+ a)ing t erm-,a+ f-r =r affiti ]ad ret r-=- =e +ame +p p:ies p ass+d g :-s pig eons dr ip +pur =ou: :n nu]lea r wi:- ro]nded di#-n- sh pus: (:- in +astier (=+aid art)f- ct mani ac- --n ce+ zap p=d :ar tial ad apts )u =[=)) s t:ppl: +e: te= ured : stun ]n it & y: l-i:g i n#(r:al i+ tr) ,f)c f= mes +ac ka:e c= ble c(p itol+ : ann)d t ra, p:p e ni- p itc(=s alum,nu + sou-) #+( of u:iq+# =)nd(ng donate d & baf f(e f+c to)[- + rackpot ca:)v, n )a:p+ d =e=p: )r r+pi (:y of =upite, :lippi ng of t yp, or nu:,ce u:arc,n g #n f: nish=: :n[)ir: d s+ag a-:lict f+irne ss p=(y b:ck ca ne[ [a( :r wi=h e#+and s + c(p tur(: p =ge--: -llipse : pr(ve rb b],+ s un+id e+ +ani c l)ndi ng with ,ena+e af+or: s f+ncy ret]ac t & -ap it(: ca p+):l ) acker ) [pm pie rc+d [l ipp+ng =pi)=t =ull=d pro]oun nineti e+ c+ar gi=g pa ,)n(() baf(l)- in(of+ ( )e:)a c:d +at ches wi th w+r: wr:p fo [ :,i:] )d word wrap as dr[--i ng tr+: -(- (en #a=o: [ enure) u+t(l + o)ni-g inde(in g -r =a ils saf er f=ll e- t+ac k+d ,= )ca(,el y f:r a p-en[: pay wra pper =p i:) fli ]ped so a[ & ma (#al, o utr-- ( ech-(-c savi+- ==-a+( [ +:af( #=ces a+hi=ve ( disca r, (+ap ping s: an+ ada pto: p, gm-=ts for sk) ( +pann -ng nul l+ un+a ck m-rn in- or #on+a)n s -+m-d =ff+]( i+ aff air exa ,tly ,- ar#d la ptop sp [r= sna p-,+ :i [rce( r ip==- d i=pla] bo,uses wit= b ou:=ed tu=]=ng p+usin g for ) e)i:ar #=f-+e+ [amily :r(cin g )a-tu re, w)+ p+# par -apa(e ,e gro= ping wi t- =#l[ ptic -o +putes ,umb]r
imm++= nic#-( injur( unaw+(e safer =at m)c , ca(+g ory str ap pa:+ ion app en= wip ing ti( ped p+: ma((s o r nudi: t c+un: a[f+=i ty )end :ng +as t((- a= raid wi -+ )a+i lies +c ta cats a+ )r( ps repa i)s c:l -+pse p )+[h #t ippl(s sha[= a - gen,: ne -bu# dant =e n(e: :t in#in: n)p)in )=):les affair f++ m= chi+e d eca=es ,rappin + by]as :]d a(p ly pist o, =,ss i# p-an uts +um eri+ ho unds ## ]mat:d ve+:s ) ynam(c: affa[r bol)fa ce accr ual aca d=mi+ h :+):cap passa= + reapp ::r in pictur= + ]hips sh(pe, ave)ue s u=[er way pu, :sh i+[ -r=al a s :+mi= a(e s+= - f-lli n( i#:a +ts c-: +oon w+ th pa=e r #arse c r+:ap s -ap:i [gs wi] ed as u p,o(r n u+lif# [i=h ho und+ +a ni( dau +ting e nab](n- =frai: f+u=ts al:cri )y #c+r es zapp ed ,=ck in[ [or =sc=p] +ie[( [ipe= r eappear aven-e )nfair ly (idn i==- in (in#te l#nar s afe)t f al(ac: pack c, rri-)( adap(iv ] i=p): t m=p ) xpi)es +ip p=+ +ut or #-ns m =ning b =u)h+n+ n(st)e r dr=ft f)ilur e (:i=a (e loca l:: of adaptor s pate: t h])pi est tap -ng in dr)p pr o,]+sy )(nual uno-ene d defin i]g +s throwi+ g en-bl +d af,a i-s far ms (-ta ck=d c= lling : f tra=p i]g +ac k:ge :d a+te( = ampi[g )li]pi+ g pet p eanuts )(r imp o(nd -i :i#g ex -la:ns [=app]d aff=ct +)fa:r =( s,,] k [)c[d e :pr,n )a:ke] c,e+p= r torpi ) =ip+ person( for te nured c r+nc+ m ]r(ing upcom#n g +a-,i es= as traf(ic face)s packet loc[t: s )hapt e(s com pa-( ap tl+ ]h: =+ish ( r:(ple capt+i+ s ]=,u+ e+ ]: ) nopen)d geniti ve sing wi+h f =n:] af r)id fa i-ly p: cke+, - ritical captur : )alet (e m-pl e a+-i] ]( e+l) :se spe nt :(r ((+us
=nhoo# ,)ne-y =ine fu rn((e a =f=(ts a= fat( er: for )chiev e rep+i ca w:-: ,-d p)r -on app e::ed : ypist p i)+s s, ri:g ja nu=)y + (unt=n, ir]nic i+dexe s don+t e tr=ff )+ f+)t ors men =ce )+u stic )p ]ro-es :s span trap : i-ces s )i)y]rd wi(h p ]s::ge n=+l[ b unched or (oni to[s :a )ki-= d on)l: # s a)fec ts (-ef =ce a:t -)ked ( o# +-i: ca#e ca paci+y pagin= ca(i:ol s =nsp= red t=- p:: upp er +enu re] cl+ n= :itr --en =a nking a nalyse- +=for: s fo+ - ur#a+e pac=s c ana+ia) crap s p,w:i=g h(=## :om]ile : for = lipped pair#n: nu, u: do ni- r+gain :]n+nas & ]ffo r+s in defau=t s a(h)e ve- e-c apes (p p[e r:p air hap +en:: d e:pite :i+e= p e(- man +al l:+ c[ on:o - l)n+r ##=g+ ::aft f a==er ) acon c= iti-a- =apt)+ =it) co mpa)t e sc:+e, spide[s eclips e +peed -:a=ut +u[e ) inished solv#= : can-+ ia- for +afest f:=r [ - a+ts [is+-rd s+(pp) d paus- : apply picker s++ps s[reads ma+ual ly b:=n c+s c+) +ical r a)n nap kin le( f f(ilu res app roa+h c abi) [) )pes -+ [rks ap =r+(se typists s)ips or pr=+ ter- or :+t )n junk z =+,t+ s iz(ng s +ap=e) )r--t - #t ro+c h #c(,- + a+ :a (+ =a(k ):ed g# ps a)pi )e =or st]p(-e (o=pu- e= (u:e rou) u= (sable denied +wapp-n g [o( + :ail =: [lic+s fa(+i+g )==ula c, cany :n) ma: p)s)+- -rappe r wr:pp ),g [-i (s )r p +rt: nu d(): mo u#te, e a)nings with b ogg(ng =o#at-d afraid f-ct p la[i,, ca##e e +(p+ed [:intin g o- (, ap]in+ ):-l# s h#- )xp :sin+ a ven)e + efu=d w a[:ings -iping s:atch )d af:e ct for fac)(re : art:f ac- :ar +on -(: i] ]=le tt=s ma ps pins zipp,d uploa- -udge |
William Allegrezza
have gathered in deserts as
for a final call you
could ask one out
of alexandria
Spencer Selby
Boolean Banks
Plans frustrated economic Took vocabulary from Time, Life and National Geographic Involved
a team of rock climbers traversing cliffs for a mile down the river
canyon in hopes "It’s shocking that you cannot defend yourself in the workplace without risking your job" Pushed hard for exemption with one of the best-kept secrets in the country Food for thought became difficult passing security A series of small grunts gave way to a plastic light box sensor A set of keys to the perimeter fence and several offices vanished in an incident that was not reported Rauschenberg perhaps worried about support for a flexible style Partners in still-frame weaving through the corridors of a busy urban hospital "Thanks to you we are slowly learning how deep this wound is" Raised to ignore or spoil a windswept shadowy terrain Alternative construed as primitive among students of the revolution Made spontaneous while staring at a blank sheet of paper for five hours The man is part historian, part collector and part chronic bully Straight line won’t change what happened to the carbon copy Temper after grassroots movement gained momentum Budget exclusive nationwide counterfeit Preserve clock tower by removing clock See the flash but hear nothing Under wishful impression stand corrected Danger from years of neglect brushed aside Intelligence falsely accused switching yard "I want to meet dedicated people and find out what they know, what I should be reading" On a nearby bench discuss weekend that wouldn’t come off Loaded children into shopping cart as news of the invasion spread Focus on moral dilemma seeking asylum Scorch observatory complex using hand-held torches Obtain freedom at any price you don’t recognize Go the distance overwhelming evidence Weather clear land to crowd purchase Your name in real time scattered imaginary My advice the cascade takes for granted If then backward yawning souvenir
John M. Bennett
Catherine H.
Moms (A Haiku)
the office
Thomas Lowe Taylor
Day of Memory
poked aside parted the ways slimmer rapunto schemed aside another
Disappearing tunes, tombs, remoted thrusters tested in their own
But the afternoon seemed sentenced itself into the further silences
Reliner hout. The smooth of yr eyes no doubt mirror from what's
But you'd held behind boy-sized implements for change chided helde
Your own blue cars returned me to presence, an instinct or a passage,
The well point from this—wallpaper bits and chooses—no smirk
What would go behind shadows in their own complexity left alone to
It was the referential quality to what was said unsaid encounters go Cleared
soundings reunite other and same to some eternal stillness
The floated scrim somehow unbetided spin sinkers spinsters sinking Beyond
saying the simpler implications love's handle twinging spins
Newer lights descry wisdom its attributed calm in favor of less
Interpolated into Blacksmithy, horser of shoes, where she'd split
The soldiers at their dues receive no welcome tents their innocence So
much lost that was still unknown, perhaps an actual sense of what
Therafused nostalgic gloom lifts to shower shoures on her soote.
Pure juice the mover in your own arcing triumph kneeling harks some
From some hinter plausitude, next hiddenous, but held & firm.
Ant colonials' big-league play astounds shivers the back your name and |
Sheila E. Murphy
about correction the
name Hazel turned on
the quick river more
bilateral William James Austin
fishbowl still,
someone must pay for the privilege. though
it gets done between bed sheets
white sails cluster but
nothing is easy. elements
couple |
Jon Cone
from The Practices
pine tree doesn't love me, For
once in my life I'll be honest.
* * *
along the banks of the river, in the park Cotton
candy, exposed bellies. Old pilots roam the fairground,
* * *
going insane, sending curses to his friends, You're
afraid the barber is trying to kill you. You're
* * *
pride were possible. All these writers shuffling down grocery
aisles were
possible it would not come in the forms you imagine. Light.
Thin cool air.
* * *
cut off the hands of a man named Mohammed Sasey. Where
are the hands of Mohammed Sasey of Sierra Leone?
* * *
missed the house on Court Street, its crummy wallpaper into
the perfectly private backyard and have a long hot piss.
* * *
was chopping wood when your letter arrived. "Come, come, She
left her desiccated, illiterate husband. Her seven children.
Vernon Frazer
Luminescent Messenger
promontories preakness cables Veins
embossed the fury of bloodlit tomes Arid
testimonials heat vacant lepidoptera Spectral
resolutions perfect intransigence
Lewis LaCook
from THE SKY
My balls burn into my thighs. Their
little eyes are hooks they see me. Watching may Max
and Lucy wander the neighborhood with wax lips. I
stayed awake the duration of my life. Reams of earth They
know a sound you walk on. Bow to the instrument Strings
I think are mostly, air, You
pushed me away pushed me away pushed me away. I Blue.
Cupping wind. And their serrations. Is an urge Spikes
of the smallest water sits
across from, tousled, always,
no relief of tension naive
then, to vapor with ropes it
enough not to be able to sculpting
myself into pass
nothing between themselves,
Jake Berry
War Poems
mondo twist
a cellar requiem come
with me
turbulence in the masthead
on the quarter deck
we had no idea
I was sent to
the radio blinking out
last night my buddy says to me
thirst. your
hands work the weapon.
its the rhythm and you wait again.
the place was full of bankers.
disjunct. mother
sits leaned against the house
disjunct. I
pledge allegiance to the real, disrobe.
the books are covered with stains
Call it death camp.
Sackcloth and ashes. meat and paralysis.
The soil is fresh turned but almost dust. Call
it jackhammer Gasoline and buoyant eyes.
6. for Ivan Argüelles "Uroboros
serpent in the feedlot asks,
is a chemical There is no center. whirling
around these fragments, fistula
core oracle |
eratio poetic language issue three, spring 2004, edited by gregory vincent st. thomasino.