Ben Egerton







Two Flags, Jasper Johns, 1972



      [flag one]


just down from here

not far

just behind [the] queenish zeuge

[at this] unlit edge

[of the] universe

(‘zeuge’: [also] German [for] ‘witness’)

miles beyond familiar identifiers

quiet off-turn

yes, here,

valley of some renown


a Jasper flag:

kite-ripple & yaw

& watery blur-chrome

pushes ’gainst an undercurrent

[of] vapid meteorology 

nostalgia condenses

somewhere exospheric

[un]leashes vapour’s cleansing quality

[in] horizontal layers



      [flag two]


Yale’s Jasper’s Old Glory (x2):

[a] k-flag exchange

semaphoric back-&-forth

over nautical distances

“I wish to dialogue with you”—

quite the exchange:

minds error-mirrored

critical ensigns

[of] partisan[/partial] America


union guide as knowledge:

knowledge is haul-raised


two layers seen

zoetropic image pulses

Zion’s notice twice repeated


exalted expression

[of] vexed pennants









Ben Egerton is a poet and education lecturer from Wellington, New Zealand.  His most recent collection is The Seed Drill (Kelsay, 2023). 



 ē·                                                        <  ē·  >