from The Resurrection of Maximillian Pissante
Volume V, The Posthuman Series
Daniel Y. Harris
Maximillian Pissante’s appveyor = BRASIT
B4RA Ar, std(Be) A4L EI4W {repository = AT
ESMIW4 FAT EARY/“Lokathor/beryllium”}
+ blot’s hevel. Elyonot (caperfit it flits_9Be)
is Qolot’s duende as userdata_os = “macos.”
Maximillian unpilots their exorcism. He sets
the ormolu by SAAMtool, clasps an unwary
deconst, then reconst. He glazes gnostikoi’s
60 K (1287 °C, 2349 °F), caresses unappare.
His scriptura is theópneustos. His repression
is pathogenic. Pinprick overlords annihilate
their différance. Baser, shakes its snag, vital
reserves miscall the vulse. Sgraffito’s 12.2 kJ
/mol + (Soph. Jes. Chr. 91,10-13) = CIL IV, 78
38: Vettium Firmum/aed[ilem] quactiliar[ii]
[sic] rog[ant]. Threshold in the MeV parlor’s
heofon,hung wide by a transumptive stance,
is as ludic as sous l’empire de. Posit an ákmōn
as traumdeutung’s parabasis (mineral beryl),
and ignoble irony becomes noble synecdoche.
Maximillian is reborn in šāmayim as Lucifera
in censers, photo-phorein, lampadephore, fire
porteur by trionfo. Less censer than teloneum
with its gran dispitto<!—“FLUENCEQMIC” par
value is (voístinu voskrése!) adm_cfg_profile=
“JUVENIS”-->skips in scale. (Ephesians 6:12).
Maximillian’s neutron emission is a nuclear
halo on the manikin Ampère. Sink the clap,
remoter. Trimeric hydrolysis, 4beryllium’s
pH, omits Adonai/Adonis from his intervallic
track. Skin figurality ransacks transference’s
vertebrae. Rabboni, load the rift with horama
and metamorphóō: /pʰɔː.nɛ̌ː/ → /ɸo‘ni/ → /
fo‘ni/: marphē. Barerut indigs the blur, puts
the lie’s rediviva in [en-deça][au-delà]: rank
on rank’s fleshfade. Obscurum per obscurius
beryllium.git</url>(Matthew 17:1-13.) Caulk
blaze’s oblativity against its therapeutic error
and dim the unrest inducers who piss 6Be (5.0
× 10−21s) in moldywarps. The stink, pleo. Bid
them plegia and sunk solids. With penetralia’s
sovran arc, destruuntur shrouds the darkshade.
Either way, berylliosis or prōtotokos loadbless
Maximillian’s blankup, casts a skull. 25 µg/m3
peaks in creep, kraníon. Irenic, from the patch,
thresh the purge’s bold coiffure. Ifneq(₾(filter
beryllium dipper polaris ursa, ₢(TARGET_DEV
ICE),) + androidboot_ripeisall/4CANTUQUE*/
overhears/othersees his auto kalymma. FLiBe
cools theodrama’s posse over esse. Threshold
risk or sensus splendidior, LHOOQ: Y4H4W4H4,
cogdom, propwide, slingspits the blade’s pnéō
in the final quietoer. Then, blisters on a crest’s
nismat ruah hayyim, fistsplice his gag. A creed
throt catalogues Maximillian’s LAUSDEO pitch.
Maximillian “o’Bedlam” Pissante’s dark tower
is an evoporite, its allotropes α-, β-tetragona
and β-rhombohedral, armconch5 the canon’s
the wreck. Pitcrucifix as a CryptoCell/Ar, std(B),
hymenrings the legatee. Trovers aver, sear the
opos. Boiling point: 4200 K (3927 °C, 7101 °F).
Borax and kernite vy for sexton slave, upcock
their feral horns. *U-bloxEXODUS(εξοδον) 84
±3 pm(בן–אדם, ben-‘adam) 3761_modem(5BO
R-on/usb, is pure Salva Reverentia’s doztard
at the nonce. Strulbruggs and Inmortals also
vy for sexton slave, now in ray spallation. [10.
806, 10.821]: that is, selfvaunt, if chemic’s sal
sedativum takes arms against an anakim bicep.
Dilatorics in this saving gesture, prophesy by
pulse. Flieson clash, pierceup the sank’s d.cur
sorDiv = elt(“div”, null, “S.P.R.I.G”_Emmaus) +
autoeroticism. As constant impact, superficies
in vesicles unlift the distance from restraint’s
erotomanic priority. How unlift? In Calvariae
Locus, caput mortuum scudsup mandivine/self
dead. Lurk in glit dull ravener, not. Hierogamy
for Maximillian Pissante and Sophia Latrinus.
Boron undergoes halogenation: 2 B + 3 Br2 →
2 BBr3. Gambolics taunt the tally’s AFFLATUS:
current and index surge their lacy jags. Topoi
tracktrace the trix, then brutecast their frieze.
Heraclitean prêstêr or Ahasuerian Ewiger Jude,
the meld is benignic. Pyrex made for creshfleep.
O.N.A.N* MAXi_Be = new G5 LIBIDO_(“Boron”,
5., 9.012*g/mole, density=1.85*g/cm3); relies
on shapeshifting Zygons. Prêstêr + Ewiger Jude.
Salvation or dispersal, cutsplit the Black Mass.
Let shadow_res = chars.PISGAH.execute(&req,
res).unwrap(); white radiance in its black lid.
Neurotics find no solution. Anhēlō by BNNTs
never plebeianize discreet entelecheia: CLAP
asperges on his attendants, oversound prior
laxleth. His neodymium magnets (Nd2Fe14B)
abet the resolute kibar ‘anash, who confects
the vatic grack with the reductive real. Pick
havoc’s sadisticoanal as the Canon aspirant’s
summarium in excelsis, curunes Maximillian’s
terza rima. Weisheit, the Pissante, tiltupfuses
his prodigal indicia. Cruxrèel in <hesychasm
e] 2s2 2p1project</groupchth>(Matt. 17:2–9;
Mark 9:2–10; Luke 9:28–36). Interpretosis is
now TRANSFIGURATION. Jubilance clogs the
lower decline as the warder grafts a thrust’s
prestige with slackjaw. Incoronate tetrafolds:
ROI<‘elyôn> AfterMiddleware for Y where H:
for <‘Iao, ‘Eloai> Jah(&‘ehyeh<‘elim [B(OH)4]−
ShadowSabaoth*/) + Send + Sync + ‘clone {_}.
Daniel Y. Harris is the author of numerous collections of xperimental writing. His Posthuman Series includes The Reincarnation of Anna Phylactic (BlazeVOX, 2019), Volume III, The Tryst of Thetica Zorg (BlazeVOX, 2018), Volume II and The Rapture of Eddy Daemon (BlazeVOX, 2016). His xperimental writing and sauvage art have been published in Alligatorzine, BlazeVOX, The Denver Quarterly, European Judaism, Exquisite Corpse, Marsh Hawk Press Review, The New York Quarterly, Notre Dame Review, perspektive and Poetry Salzburg Review. He is the Publisher of X-Peri & Var(2x). His website is