excerpt from “FEB”
from Chiaroscuro Volume I, The Siphonic Series
Irene Koronas
an idle thistle rears prelapsarian hock
as fertile as charlock during oilyiron age
when bog people came twelve hours
before executions by the devil thong
the intransigent network tendril and wry foot
notes clunging sound a high compare
we gradually portion out with vacua
we connect plenum to give straight
it does not terminal back the radius
assumption against the current cupola
since eleusis carries off a virgin in her
pomegranate proton bag that lays
at her feet to epitomize the inconstant
visual visits we endure her thunder ascension
when it seems to be bigger than continuum
than mechanism intervention i thank god
for the snipper he cut his own subject
swift to hold a bayleaf correspondence
murrillo almost about to forage polliwogs
and ingest a stranger denomination
edible pith and neolith rites with two dandelion
heads saxifrage the rebuttal about the will
todo both the rotation on parallel remain
i fix who can do remembrance if we are indivisible
we demovance mathstract processes begun
by theophrastus even after he collapses
during a magical belief when questioned
by hebrew text him inaudible in proportion
to her total why constellation with
phenomena we combine codex
vindobonensis from the sixth courage
in feudal 1939 gouache and 1921 canvas
under tumulus they bury renaissance
the lingo culture follows her lead her color
we dissolve in polish the vine hedge
the see and papyrus grass in jars
barnnabus the duck has his throat cut
held by a cup to catch gravy bleed
a flychaser three years before vermiform
shapes motivation we long for themes
future striment view cherchant en travaillant
the traditional dioscorides source findle
we scatter hail into the gap that weedy
unknown origin a poison or a cure legacy
falls from rural ecological turf and the result
we consider particles which carry testimony
prayers like fashion models inside the tuck swell
the hoary porcupine brushes up and down
normality punts the tin teeth until they flake
like mica on indigo lava face masks
cased in sponge the pockmarks squirt
tall smoke rings from his cigar hang
off his lip a hink barb wire fence thick
with nail polish rebuke to better back
the gash flight and monotonic cowards
abandon the salvage lapis in magnesia
redefine and structure skin whipped
to a fluff by hierarchical horni feet
close to vivid diminuendo lotteries
residue from his last supper
an apathy the meridian can no longer
interrupt a mutt red eak they eak home
and shuck their mosaic insult
mothers wrapped in flower cloth
carried like a pap test into a placental
coracle he uses two sticks to pluck
weedy distain for one pace forward
the nucleus of fire leaks and we smuggle
the height to herd our minds
to cordon off our ocean loods
the mayryethistle crotch open
loosen the tectonic itch scratch
we run an accelerate overlap
the little bush wait worn out
by the seep from our past
our counterfeit clamb pit
she dare not walk over backward
before she drowns the cleat iron
upside monday blueberries
sheep trails the firmament plink
ground where it levels shimpering
dogs blur the braid loosens until
they too hang the last redouble
divinity it regenerates
middens two feet a year
the human frag bind in bunch
rabbit brought by picasso
a few dry figs the priest chews
his testament and roach hold
maybe the true tongue we credit
and dismood the friendly ire pine
call it one fur slope or scale free act
patterns an aperiodic body
when it spits out excitation
the noise even cocklebur pieces
are more than backhand slaps
he wrote a program bioariv dot org
for arousal the regular density driven
by consume tool gatherings
predictional balance the canhen link
predics when sumbereni gum keys layspeak
such lapses remedied his progress
two leaps ever since 1917 miro heard
his romp from the spirit to change
comes all at once a curvilinearism
grander prosperity an original obligatory
tour of the crackle pantiles the house
ravels our hopeless salvage
i keep in a glass malachite aureole
sheath down each pleat tipstick
trap the sheen in a blue miscreant
dampens heets gas the perish residue
sensation and tideline evolves with twine
a stem hawser hedge the devil guts
have hewn have begun to conquer
his stud nolens book profundities
now forgotten the bitter bordumb
except the thunderhead yelp from dung
nat halloo net withing herself an owl
from an outpost a miraculous remission
no long summons or the call of a flock
pear woodeve who has a backstair case
think about warts and water pipits
Irene Koronas is the author of numerous collections of xperimental writing. Her Grammaton Series includes holyrit (BlazeVOX, 2019), Volume IV, declivities (BlazeVOX, 2018), Volume III, ninth iota (The Knives Forks and Spoons Press, 2018), Volume II and Codify (Éditions du Cygne, 2017), Volume I. Her xperimental writing and sauvage art have been published in Alligatorzine, BlazeVOX, The Boston Globe, Cambridge Chronicles, E·ratio, New Mystics, Offcourse, Otoliths, perspektive, Taos Journal of International Poetry & Art and Word For/Word. She is the Publisher of X-Peri & Var(2x). Her website is irenekoronas.com.