Two by


Linda King





bolt of mourning cloth



at the edge of knowledge    reality remains    up for grabs

     with no ground to stand on    you fall and keep falling

your heart turning over    all those fragile    details

     something else to pray for    the philosophy of water

blue glass    starfish    coastal storms    read the ocean

     buy a ticket    alert the media     sound the alarm

the official machinery    just gains and losses    what comes undone

     matters that don’t work themselves out

verbs in past perfect    heirloom anxiety    borderline bloodline

     bolt of mourning cloth that will never unfurl





orphaned by request



stopped in your tracks    they want papers    passports

every one a soldier of something    every one of them

displays a massive god complex    but you have been

orphaned by request    hold a grief that will remain

unpaid    a hard conclusion


all the seats on the train    filled with the grieving

they wear a look of complete disbelief

in lieu of flowers    knapsacks     overflow

with whatever could be pulled

from the rubble









Linda King is the author of five poetry collections including Reality Wayfarers (Shoe Music Press, 2016) and antibodies in the alphabet (BlazeVOX Books, 2020).  Her work has appeared in numerous literary journals (including ē·rā/tiō) in Canada and internationally.  She lives and writes on The Sunshine Coast of British Columbia, Canada. 



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