Crossfall Deliberates *


Heller Levinson





         peripheral putter

         option skirt



in the dispose of falter this

soothsay           amethyst tome           hapless Baedecker

                          how much of

                          the approach




swirling djinns, micro-splits, infinitesimal stabs,

outfling – probe

forage, flange, pique, . . . geomancy


the corruption of space into slivers,

facets committed to an

inveterate peek-a-boo, dismantling

vectors, spirited, rogue,



impervious to resolution, roaming the ungroomed, dislodged, sheathed

in bewilder, . . . palpitant











*Crossfall: “The transverse sloping of a roadway toward the shoulder or gutter on either side.”  Outpouring from this term are notions of suspension, liminality, threshold, meander, trespass, flaneur, rebellion -- off the beaten track, the roadway, the routed -- passageway, transition, initiation, and more. 









Heller Levinson lives in the lower Hudson Valley.  His most recent books are QUERY CABOODLE, SHIFT GRISTLE (Black Widow Press, 2023), and THE ABYSSAL RECITATIONS (Concrete Mist Press, 2024).  VALVULAR ASH is slated for a spring 2024 publication (Black Widow Press).  His book, LURE, won the 2022 Big Other Poetry Book Award.  Read a recent review



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