Strike Up The Ban


Mark Blickley – Miss Unity












Know your place my darlings who dare to dream as the fall is heavy with wonder over your sense of entitlement that asks what makes you so special pummeling against a suffocating rim in ecstatic abandon jubilating in the peculiar sense that surrounds you inside a tactile plastic womb as you listen to the fluctuating wails from the tendrils of passion slithering along lubricated walls to a ritual mating melody of romantic verse and pelvic thrusts that vibrate and stretch into angelic writhing unleashing a gale of erotic energy as moans and gasps carry you through different symphonies of sensual movement that create a longing for touch until such a need builds to echo your name inside the dark synthetic tunnel slick with sweat fighting to grasp the luminous bursts of light just beyond reach as I fill my lungs again and again gasping for air while I dream of your hands and my moist memories of you in the ripple of a dance and the sensual smell of sunshine that sends a thread of pleasure aching for contact until I can only pant in short heaves that threaten to smother me before I can implore you to come back and save me by taking what is already yours given freely under a liberating light of hope and devotion you refuse to extend.









Image by Miss Unity

Text by Mark Blickley


Miss Unity is a writer and drag queen from upstate New York.  Her essay collection Who Killed Mabel Frost? will be published by SF/LD Books in 2024. 


Mark Blickley grew up within walking distance of New York’s Bronx Zoo.  He is a proud member of the Dramatists Guild and PEN American Center.  His latest book is the flash fiction collection Hunger Pains (Buttonhook Press). 



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