When Someone Should Be Ashamed


Mike Ferguson








A blush or a cringe are on the spectrum. When shall is too active for those whose movements are constrained by emptiness. Guilt horizon in the far off distance. The subjunctive mood is a pipe dream when people who have everything wish it so. Do not endorse an embarrassment with a slip of the tongue or an ungrammatical utterance. A restraint within being ashamed is in holding back the urge to defy, or prevent the pretend there are angelwings attached to a soar up incredible heights. If you believe in something right you have to believe there is a wrong. 







Everything is the

utterance of urge,


being active with

a pretend of blush;


and those attached

to restraint have


the mood to slip

into embarrassment.


People endorse









To believe it is ungrammatical to

prevent movements in the subjunctive

tongue makes the angels blush at their

active wish for utterance. To slip the

wings from restraint and soar is more

than dream or pretend; to defy distance

as more than urge. Mood heights are

constrained by this embarrassment. To

dream of the far horizon is holding

back something suggestive in the soar

if it isn’t. Incredible holding: wrong

to be ashamed of the wish. Attached

by movements in the dream of wings

slips restraint in a spectrum of things.









Mike Ferguson is an American permanently resident in the UK.  His most recent publication is the found poetry collection &there4 (Beir Bua Press, 2021). 



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