Epimilligramma / Epimilligramme
Ivan Pozzoni
Non ti devi incazzare se, a volte, ti nomino,
sai, t’ho reso immortale come un «ritratto d’anonimo».
Incide meglio il mio inchiostro che una ciotola di cicuta:
senza che nessuno lo sappia la tua fama si è evoluta.
You don’t have to put yourself in color if you look at your name,
you know, I’ll make you immortal in “portrait d’anonyme.”
My ink cuts better than a bowl of hemlock:
without anyone knowing your fame has evolved.
Ivan Pozzoni was born in Monza in 1976. He was the founder and director of the literary magazines Il Guastatore and L’Arrivista, and he is the editor and chief of the international philosophical magazine Información Filosófica. He has written essays on Italian philosophers and on the ethics and juridical theory of the ancient world. Ivan Pozzoni at ē·rā/tiō.