Issue 16 · 2012




from Symphony No. 8


(13.7 billion years)



by Ric Carfagna








And movement

in the darkness

where there is

the mythos

to mourn

the flames

to enkindle

the psychotic bane

of night’s descent

and movement

to demarcate

a presence

of bounded corridors

of mirrors of anonymity

and of two figures

irretrievably distant

and drifting through

a latent and undefined

winter light

and a movement

the mind creates

“outside a corseted awareness

the sun-glinting blood-drained reliquaries

fall from to a saffron and rose tainted sky

and a plutonium cloud’s blinded incinerating eye

creates a city of dust

beneath the exploding rogue torsos

of quantum instability

 and the bone throwing shaman dreams

of dead words and hollowed out corpses

falling into a molten steel and asphalt abyss…”

and then      a movement

in a desert

in a sea of fog

in a mind


an apocalyptic oasis

on a frozen tundra

of disconsolate faces

of desiccated souls

hovering above

a Paleolithic cathedral

and of dreams embalmed

in alcoves of darkness

and of incense trails

burning libational holes

in the sparrow hawk’s

blackened sooty wing










Ric Carfagna was born and educated in Boston Massachusetts.  He is the author of numerous collections of poetry, most recently Symphonies Nos.1, 4 & 6  published by Chalk Editions and Symphonies Nos. 2 & 7  published by Argotist Press.  His poetry has evolved from the early radical experiments of his first two books, Confluential Trajectories and Porchcat Nadir, to the unsettling existential mosaics of his multi-book project Notes On NonExistence.  He lives in rural central Massachusetts with his wife, cellist Mary Carfagna, and daughters Emilia and Aria.