Poetic Decryptions

(of the NATO Warfighting Capstone Concept)


Sean Howard





I. Context



Military-minded: the ‘constant

adjustments’ (till the stone cap


fits). Caesar’s new note of con-

fidence, ‘be where the tides of


march…’ When Command
codes character, what need


to wonder, ‘War,

what is it God






II. Introduction



‘Intelligence,’ the self

selecting cancer… The


cyber summons: hybrid,

growing scales at speed


… The nuclear age?

Engaged so long,


it’s really





III. Future Warfighting



The alliance between

bodies & bits: AI, habit-


farming… Incomprehens-

ible compression, mass


our God: The Future,

once more, within






War so clear, peace

so foggy! (Dangerous


blurs sticking: offense/

defence, the nuclear con-


ventional.) Our boundless

nest? Yes, poets operating


on Orders: Owen know-

ing, all flags false! True


evolution? Neither

command nor






IV. Warfare Development



Poster buoys, so-be-it

realism: our chiseled cliff


faces, the Future on the blink

of our Eye… (The Cloud’s b-


rain stems...) Outpacing

the cell? The planet


of our sh-





V. The [Fab] Five Imperatives



Cognitive Superiority


‘Constantly,’ improving

our imposture… (Contest-


icles, planliness: threats, cur-

ves we love to handle!) The


Titanic this time? All do-

mains on deck… Just to


be sure to be just,

Faust strikes




Layered Resilience


Tough stuff – bouncing

backs, this bed rocks! (Prime

directive? People, support


mechanisms!) Business,

what other agenda? The

new approach to the


Abyss, well posit-

ioned on top

of our s-





Influence and Power Projection


All over the map, Power’s sick project-

ile… (Securities & futures, peace mer-

ging with dividends.) Crisis The Man-


ager! (Taboo-m! Positively antici-

panting…) When arms control

dialogue? Tanking, dri-


ving over the


Cross-Domain Command


The instruments the head

starts. The building in the


Lift… (Our new North

Star, 360…) The sold-


ier’s great big oath, I,

Robust – until, in a


flash!, data



Integrated Multi-Domain Defence


Nature’s bases? (Multi-

mately, machines make


war?) Angelus domain-

y – my darling knell! –


Alice through the

smart looking-






VI. Critical Enablers



‘Day-zero,’ incoming horizons… (The agile

gates of Hell.) Warnography: grasping the


model’s beautiful backbone, geared to

explicit games. So much hotter, code-


cold blood (can’t you hear the dead

hum?). ‘Ready, aye, ready’: post-


detonations, sweeping the

Clouds from the











Sean Howard is the author of six collections of poetry in Canada, most recently Trinity: Tribute Sequences for Robert Graves (Gaspereau Press, 2022).  His poetry has been widely published in Canada, the US (including at ē· rā/ tiō), the UK, and elsewhere, and featured in The Best of the Best Canadian Poetry in English (Tightrope Books, 2017). 



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